
The village of Shipkovo is located in the Balkan Mountain, 20 km west of the town of Troyan.
The balneology resort is located at a distance of 2 km from the village. It offers a center for balneology treatment and physiotherapy, an open-air swimming pool and a beach, holiday stations, hotels with swimming pools, villas, apartments for rent and catering and entertainment establishments.
The mineral waters are successfully used for the treatment of functional disorders of the nervous system, hypertonic disease, gastrointestinal, kidney and urological disease, etc.
The typical occupation of the residents of the village of Shipkovo is pottery.

The village of Shipkovo is located in the Balkan Mountain, 20 km west of the town of Troyan.
The balneology resort is located at a distance of 2 km from the village. It offers a center for balneology treatment and physiotherapy, an open-air swimming pool and a beach, holiday stations, hotels with swimming pools, villas, apartments for rent and catering and entertainment establishments.
The mineral waters are successfully used for the treatment of functional disorders of the nervous system, hypertonic disease, gastrointestinal, kidney and urological disease, etc.
The typical occupation of the residents of the village of Shipkovo is pottery.

Information and Cultural Center – Troyan

Monday – Friday 8:00 – 18:00

5600 Troyan – center, 103 Str. Rakovski ” Str.

Tel: +359 87 890 1473


Virtual map


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