Alepu Swamp – Natural Landmark
Alepu swamp is located about 7 kilometers south of Sozopol. It is a firth with a total area of 166.7 hectares, 3.3 kilometers long and almost 320 meters wide. The name Alepu comes from Greek and literally means “fox”, therefore the landmark is also known as the Swamp of Foxes.
The swamp is covered by reeds and other swamp vegetation. The firth is separated from the sea by a sand dune shore, which is also a natural landmark.
The area is home to many rare animal and plant species. The swamp is a nesting area and wintering place for the pigmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pugmeus), various heron species, ducks and swans. It is also one of the few nesting sites of the White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the Black Sea coast.
The natural landmark is located 7 kilometers from Sozopol, near Dyuni resort.
Tourist information center Burgas – “South Bus Station”
Working hours: Monday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00
Address: Queen Joanna Square
Phone : +359 56 59 89 43
Tourist information center Burgas – “The Clock”
Working hours: Monday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00
Address: 37 “Aleksandrovska” str. /at the corner of “Alexandrovroska” Str. and “Aleko Bogoridi” Blvd./
Tel.: +359 56 825 772
E-mail: info@gotoburgas.com
Website: http://gotoburgas.com/bg
Telephone for information: +359 888 506 816
Regional Environment Inspectorate – Burgas
67, Perushtitsa Str., Burgas City
Tel: +359 56 813 205
e-mail: bioriosv_bs@abv.bg
Website: http://riosvbs.com/
Alepu swamp is located about 7 kilometers south of Sozopol. It is a firth with a total area of 166.7 hectares, 3.3 kilometers long and almost 320 meters wide. The name Alepu comes from Greek and literally means “fox”, therefore the landmark is also known as the Swamp of Foxes.
The swamp is covered by reeds and other swamp vegetation. The firth is separated from the sea by a sand dune shore, which is also a natural landmark.
The area is home to many rare animal and plant species. The swamp is a nesting area and wintering place for the pigmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pugmeus), various heron species, ducks and swans. It is also one of the few nesting sites of the White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the Black Sea coast.
The natural landmark is located 7 kilometers from Sozopol, near Dyuni resort.
Tourist information center Burgas – “South Bus Station”
Working hours: Monday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00
Address: Queen Joanna Square
Phone : +359 56 59 89 43
Tourist information center Burgas – “The Clock”
Working hours: Monday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00
Address: 37 “Aleksandrovska” str. /at the corner of “Alexandrovroska” Str. and “Aleko Bogoridi” Blvd./
Tel.: +359 56 825 772
E-mail: info@gotoburgas.com
Website: http://gotoburgas.com/bg
Telephone for information: +359 888 506 816
Regional Environment Inspectorate – Burgas
67, Perushtitsa Str., Burgas City
Tel: +359 56 813 205
e-mail: bioriosv_bs@abv.bg
Website: http://riosvbs.com/
Virtual map
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